Monday, December 7, 2015

What are the Benefits of Mediation

1. Mediation is a peaceful, non-adversarial way to resolve the issues involved in a divorce or other family-related matter. In mediation the parties work through the issues with a neutral third party. The mediator assists the parties in finding mutually beneficial solutions

2. Mediation is a confidential and structured process. Nothing that happens during the mediation process can be used in court should the mediation process not be successful. 

3. Mediation is less emotionally draining than going through the litigation process. Think about what you feel like when you have a disagreement with someone- how does it make you feel? Sick, sad, angry, anxious, tense and/or frustrated? In mediation we work through the disagreements in a respectful manner. The focus is resolution, not who will win. 

4. Mediation is better for the children. Kids love both of their parents. To be put in the middle is emotionally devastating. In Mediation we focus on what is best for the children.

5. The mediation process does not put either party in a detrimental position. If the Mediation is successful, then all of the paperwork can be taken care of without going to court. If the process is not successful, the parties can opt out and go through the court system. 

6. Mediation is less expensive. Family law cases can run $10,000.00 to $20,000.00 to $30,000.00 for each party depending on the level of acrimony. In most instances, mediation can be completed for less than $10,000.00 TOTAL!

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