Monday, December 21, 2015

Why There is NO WIN in a Divorce

You are hurt, angry, reeling from the shock your marriage is over. You want to take your ex to the cleaners. They need to pay........ 

You can go hire the attorney with the reputation of being a bull dog or a shark, but in the end everyone, especially the children, lose. If the fight is on, let me tell you what the probable outcome may look like.

  1. The attorney’s make A LOT of money;
  2. You both will be broke;
  3. You may be very disillusioned with the process, especially if you don’t get what your attorney promised you were entitled to;
  4. Depending on the level of animosity, you and your ex may not even be able to discuss simple things making everything a fight and/ or a stressful challenge when dealing with issues involving the children;
  5. Your children will be a wreck and emotionally damaged. The children become the unnoticed collateral damage as they watch their parents battle it out;
  6. The emotional toll is huge. It takes a lot of energy to fight the fight. It is exhausting and can have physical ramifications as well.

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