Monday, November 30, 2015

What is Mediation?

Mediation is an emotionally and financially cost effective way to resolve all issues in a divorce. It is a process where the parties work together to create solutions with the help of a neutral third party, the mediator.
The parties can work outside the box to create a settlement that meets their needs instead of a court making an order that may not be to either parties benefit.

It can take one or more sessions, but the sessions are scheduled as close or far apart as the parties want. The parties are in charge of the process.

The fees are paid for one attorney, not two.

Sessions are confidential so the tough issues can be discussed without fear that what was said in a meeting will be used in court later

There are no constraints on what can be presented in mediation. Everyone has the opportunity to speak and be heard.

If the process does not work, the option to go to court and ask the judge to decide the issue is still available.

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