Monday, August 24, 2015

Steps to Hiring the Right Divorce Attorney

There are things you should look for when hiring a divorce attorney:

  1. You must feel comfortable.  If you’re not comfortable in the interview phase, when the going gets really tough there will be friction.

  2. Make sure the attorney tells you the Good and the Bad and doesn’t promise you a pot of gold at the end of at the rainbow. This isn’t going to happen.  Everything is split 50/50; that’s just what it is.  You have to hear the good parts of your case and the bad parts of your case from your attorney.

  3. The attorney must be reasonable. If they want to “go after” the other party and get them for all they’ve got, you can end up in court for a long time with the attorney’s fees skyrocketing.  This attitude takes you to court to battle.

  4. Most of all, you want to have somebody level-headed who’s really going to give you a realistic view because it’s never all one way or the other.  It’s just not going to work that way.  That is the main thing is that they be forthright with you.  

When you hire the right attorney, it makes the process go much more smoothly with less stress and less tension on all parties.